Now, let us talk about invention. Firstly, what does invention mean? Generally invention means to create something which does’t exist so far. The one does invention is known as inventor. An inventor is someone who discovers or produces a useful object or process that does’t exist so far. Inventions help people do things that they could’t do before. Invention helps other to work more efficiently.
Some of inventions in field of science and technology are as follows:-
Air plane by Wright brothers, Air conditioner by Willis Carrier in 1902, Atom bomb by scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, Otto Han, Fermi, Szilard and Albert Einstein, Bicycle by J.K. Starlet in 1885, Calculator by William Bur rough, etc.
Now, coming in field of discovery, we should know its real meaning. Discovery means bringing to view something that exists but is not known yet. Discoveries too like inventions began in prehistoric times. All of the discoveries either of past or of present are done by help of science and technology. The middle of the 15Th century marked a flow of discoveries especially from the Europeans which affected every field of life all over the world. Discoveries are being done from past and will also be done in future, only by the help of science and technology.
Some of the discoveries in the field of science and technology are as follows -:
Bacteria by a Dutch amateur scientist named Anton Leeuwenhoek, Blood circulation by Dr. William Harvey, Coffee by a young Arabian goatherd Gladi, Genetics by a Australian monk George Mendel, Hydrogen gas by an English chemist named Henry Cavendish, etc.
All above inventions and discoveries were done with the help of science and technology. So, thinking of inventions and discoveries without science and technology is impossible for us. We can’t even survive without the absence of science and technology.
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